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Pennsylvania State Police Oral History Project began in 2004, in association with the Pennsylvania State Police Historical, Educational & Memorial Center.

The primary mission of PSP-Oral History Project is to collect and preserve recollections from persons with knowledge of events or experience which helped shaped Pennsylvania State Police heritage.

The Oral history Project involves recording, preserving and making available candid information that may be sensitive or confidential therefore, all of our oral histories are conducted by individuals that are trained and competent in interview techniques.

We make all efforts to protect the rights of interviewees by making them aware of defamation laws and the implications, for all parties concerned, of recording potentially defamatory material by giving the interviewees the opportunity to review, correct and/or withdraw material.

Our interviewers act professionally and abide by the guidelines set forth by PSP-Oral History.
Every interview is conducted with objectivity, honesty and integrity. An interview is organized, recorded and  treated as a confidential conversation until an interviewee gives the right to share information through an agreement.

All interviewees are provided with an agreement to sign which clearly states the purpose and intended use of interviews and what copyright provisions apply . This agreement also gives PSP-Oral History and the Pennsylvania State Police Historical, Educational & Memorial Center complete control and use of possible future use of their materials.

All interviews conducted on behalf of PSP-Oral History are collected and stored in a safe location as deemed appropriate by the Pennsylvania State Police Historical, Educational & Memorial Center Board of Directors.

If you should have any questions or comments concerning our Oral History Project, please feel free to contact us
or send coorespondence to:

Attn: PSP-Oral History Project
187 East Hershey Park Drive
Hershey, PA 17033




Pennsylvania State Police-Oral History Project in Association with PSP-HEMC., All rights reserved worldwide Legal Disclaimer Copyright ©