Canine Corps handlers with
their dogs

                          When the creating of the Pennsylvania State Police 
                           was signed into law in 1905, it made the Department
                            the first uniformed police agency in the country to


be granted authority to enforce all state laws.
At the beginning, troopers The State Police patrolled Pennsylvania's 45,000
patrolled the Commonwealth's square miles on horseback and soon proved its worth
46,000 square miles on horseback by controlling mob violence, protecting farm areas
and wildlife, and tracking down criminals.
  On September 2, 1906, two members of the 
  Department were killed in a violent gun battle in
Jefferson County.   They were the first of more than
85 troopers who have been killed in the line of duty,
1932-State Police Patrol Car protecting the citizens of Pennsylvania.
In 1923, a second statewide police department was
x instituted within Pennsylvania Department of
                John F.
Highways.   The State Highway Patrol was given the
  authority only to enforce the Pennsylvania Motor
  Code and was usually seen patrolling the state's
burgeoning highway network on motorcycles.


First Trooper killed in the
of Duty, September 2, 1906


              More Pennsylvania State Police History

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