details...click-on name |
Recorded |
Interview Number |
Summary Information |
Transcript |
Interviewer |
Length |
information of individuals who have shared their experience and knowledge of Pennsylvania
State Police historical events. |
Sep.10, 2004 Oct.
13, 2004 Oct. 29, 2004 Feb. 17, 2005 |
2006-1 |
Harold Trout, a
retired Sergeant of the Pennsylvania State Police relates his early years as a
Pennsylvania State Trooper and as Pennsylvania Motor Policeman. (1937-1966) |
Shelly Leavens
approx 9hrs. |
11/16/2004 |
2004-1 |
Pete Buchan, a
retired Sergeant of the Pennsylvania State Police recalls his experience at the Training
School on CoCoa Avenue in Hershey and his field duties. (1959-1989) |
Amy Baldanari |
2 hrs. 33 mins. |
9/13/2005 |
2005-4 |
Charles Covage, a
retired Corporal of the Pennsylvania State Police shares his experience at the Training
School on CoCoa Avenue in Hershey and his 25 years with the PSP Rodeo (1946-1972) |
Bob Gerken
approx 1hr. |
1/27/2005 |
2005-1 |
William Grooms, a
retired Major of the Pennsylvania State Police shares his World War II military (Air
Corps) and over 35 years experience as a State Police Trooper (1942-1977) |
Shelly Leavens
approx 5hrs. |
1/17/2007 |
2007-1 |
John Hamborsky, a
retired Sergeant of the Pennsylvania State Police shares his experience at the Academy in
Hershey and his field assignments. (1967-1996) |
Cpl.Bob Mertz
(psp, retired)
approx 1hr. 40 mins. |
Dec 02, 2004
Dec 10, 2004 |
2004-2 |
Thomas Hanus, a
retired Lieutenant of the Pennsylvania State Police recalls his early years of training,
uniform changes and Pennsylvania State Police issued equipment. (1956-1984) |
Shelly Leavens
approx 4hrs. |
1/23/2007 |
2007-2 |
Richard J. Kara, a retired Corporal of the Pennsylvania State Police
recollects his Academy training and his involvement in the State Police Rodeo. (1962-1995) |
Cpl.Bob Mertz
(psp, retired)
approx 2hrs. 40 mins. |
11/16/2006 |
2006-2 |
Ronald W.
Kratzer, a retired Sergeant of the Pennsylvania State Police compares the organization
during his career with today's Department. (1955-1985)
Cpl.Bob Mertz
(psp, retired)
approx 3hrs. |
2006 |
2006-3 |
Charles Lutz, a
retired Corporal of the Pennsylvania State Police shares his career memories as a
Pennsylvania State Trooper. (1949-1980) |
Cpl.Bob Mertz
(psp, retired)
55 mins. |
2006 |
2006-6 |
John McKenna, a
retired Captain of the Pennsylvania State Police shares his experiences during his
assignments at numerous sub stations, his early wages and his work schedules during his
career. (1954) |
Bob Gerken
approx 1hr. |
3/10/2005 |
2005-2 |
Edward Singer, a
retired Corporal of the Pennsylvania State Police highlights his career as a Pennsylvania
State Trooper. (1947-1984) |
Sgt.Pete Buchan
(psp, retired)
48 mins. |
pending |
pending |
Richard Skillman,
a retired Corporal of the Pennsylvania State Police recalls various aspects of his job as
a Pennsylvania State Trooper. (1946-1984) |
Tpr. Al Vish
(psp, retired) BIOGRAPHY |
approx 2hrs. |
6/27/2006 |
2006-4 |
Virginia Smith, a
retired Major of the Pennsylvania State Police relates her experiences as female cadet
during the tough training at the Academy and field duties as a Pennsylvania State Trooper.
(1975-2000) |
Shelly Leavens
approx 3hrs. 20 mins. |
5/31/2007 |
2007-3 |
Lyle Szupinka, a
retired Major of the Pennsylvania State Police recalls the Camp Hill Prison Riot and the
hijacking and crashing of United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, in addition to his
involvement in other incidents as a Pennsylvania State Trooper. (1968-2005) |
Cpl.Bob Mertz
(psp, retired)
approx 2hrs. |
3/17/2005 |
2005-3 |
Thomas Tridico, a
retired Sergeant elaborates on his 34 years of distinguished service with the Pennsylvania
State Police. He recalls some of the major cases and events that occurred throughout his
career. (1947-1981) |
Sgt.Pete Buchan
(psp, retired)
approx 1hr. |
Jun 12, 2006
Jun/13, 2006 |
2006-5 |
Albert Vish, a
retired Trooper, relates insightful information about the Pennsylvania State Police Camp
Cadet Program for youths. (1967-1992) |
Shelly Leavens
approx 3hrs. 20 mins. |
2006 |
2006-7 |
Rocco P. Urella,
a retired Commissioner, comments about why he recruited the first females into the
Pennsylvania State Police and his gambling arrests. (1938-1973) |
Cpl.Bob Mertz
(psp, retired)
approx 1hr. |